Help Your People to See that They Are Valued

Thirty years ago, Jaime and I were married. Like many soon-to-be-wed couples, we registered for linens, dinnerware, and a range of household items that we felt would help us as we started our lives together. One gift that we received wasn’t on our registration. Nonetheless, it became one of our most treasured items. It was…

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Discover Your Purpose

Have you ever heard the expression, “if you want to know what someone truly values take a look at their bank account and their calendar”? The idea is that regardless of what we say we value, the true answer is revealed in how we spend our time, energy, and resources. Reading a leadership blog suggests…

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Great Leaders Create a Culture of Quitters

You are likely familiar with the concept that employees don’t quit companies, they quit bad leaders. It is with this in mind that many organizations invest time, energy, and resources developing leaders who foster employee engagement. Yes, employees might quit an organization because of a bad leader; however, these same employees may quit their own bad behaviors…

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5 Lessons from a Leader Who Stands on Top of Africa

I recently found myself in Tanzania setting out to hike to the highest point on the continent of Africa. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t suddenly fall from the sky or wake from a dream and ‘find’ myself on the mountain. The prerequisite planning took place and I put in extra miles to get ready,…

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