Smart Leaders Seek and Listen to These 3 Voices
The higher a leader gets in an organization, the harder it is to get authentic feedback. My experience suggests that this is a very true statement and that the problem isn’t isolated to senior executives. It can appear from the very moment you take your first formal leadership role.
To mitigate this challenge, I suggest that you seek out, listen to, and learn from 3 key voices. Truly listening to these voices requires a strong dose of humility, maturity, and openness; however, allowing them to exist creates both short and long-term benefits.
You can read more about these 3 voices in this article. Plus, you can download this free PDF suitable to print, post, and share with your colleagues.
3 Voices Every leader should-4[/restrict]

Patrick Leddin, PhD is a speaker, global leadership consultant, and The Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Five-Week Leadership Challenge. Patrick is an Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University with a thriving leadership blog and podcast, and 25-years of leadership experience. He offers an unparalleled mix of academic rigor and real-world experience.