5 Key Programs to Create STAR Performers

Use this tool as you think about the programs you have in place to develop your people. Arguably, these 5 programs are key to create STARS in your organization. If you want more information about these programs, check out this Leddin Group article. [restrict] [/restrict] patrick.leddin@icloud.comPatrick Leddin, PhD is a speaker, global leadership consultant, and…

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Assessing Your Loyalty in the Face of a Gig Economy

We are seeing unprecedented changes in how people and organizations accomplish work in the gig economy. In many ways, what is old is new again as people are bucking a century old practice of taking a full-time job at a a big company and embracing new relationships. Contract part-time, and short-term agreements are the rage…

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A Great IDEA to Help Create Engagement

There is a strong likelihood that your organization has a process in place for individual contributors to establish annual performance goals. My experience suggests that there is an equally strong possibility that your process falls a bit short. – Sometimes we overcomplicate things leaving employees feeling compelled to complete the process regardless of its value.…

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Ode to the Human Resources Manager

Could you have envisioned at the start of your career; how your days would unfold throughout much of the year? There are times when all is well – people are engaged; and stints when some are angry – even enraged. When people conflict and relationships sour; they file by your office hour after hour. “Help us…

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