010. Making the Most of What You Have with Jamie Andrew

In this episode, Jamie Andrew joins Patrick in the lab. Jamie is an exceptional mountaineer, runner, and triathlete. He is also a quadruple amputee. Don’t miss the chance to hear Jamie’s story and learn how you can become a better leader through the choices you make. Patrick LeddinPatrick Leddin, PhD is a speaker, global leadership…

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4 Keys to Winning When You are an Underdog

At some point, we all find ourselves in the position of underdog with the odds stacked against us. It’s during those times that we can benefit for doing 4 key things. This tool explains each key through a series of questions designed to take you from underdog to top dog. Here’s a PDF tool that…

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6 Leadership Lessons You Can Learn Over Lunch

Might I suggest you take a lunch away from the office this week. Put away the cell phone and any other distractions and just spend some time observing. Why? Well, you never know what leadership lessons you can learn from a change of venue. One afternoon, I stepped away from the office and walked to a local…

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Research Reveals 3 Keys to Motivating People at Work. How are You Doing?

Since the establishment of the first organization, leaders have always looked to motivate workers. Brute force, fear, intimidation, and other barbaric ‘motivational’ approaches dominated leadership tactics for much of history. Under those conditions, leaders treated people like cogs in a machine, at best, and in the very worst of situations revealed the most vile aspects…

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