What an Ice Storm Taught Me about Friction and Leading

Not too long ago, my neighborhood was covered in ice. The slick spots made walking a bit treacherous as there was no friction. My shoes didn’t grip the slippery surface and the only thing between me and a trip to the emergency department was dexterity and luck. Fortunately, luck was on my side each day…

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Here’s How Your Next Big Initiative Can Hurt You as a Leader

Despite your and your team’s best efforts, things don’t always go as planned. The company may decide to penetrate a new market, but the economy elects not to cooperate.  No matter what you and your people do, the numbers aren’t met.  The efforts were gallant; unfortunately, the economy conspired against you.  The initiative is dead.…

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How to Create a Culture That is Continuously Learning and Growing

Organizations that fail to continuously improve their capabilities will inevitably fade away. Creating a culture that is continually learning and growing is essential to the future of your organization. Creating this type of an organization is a leader’s job – it can’t be outsourced. Let’s face it… In many organizations, employees have become so entrenched…

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