Posts Tagged ‘productivity’
Set Aside 30 Minutes Daily to Get S&^t Done
Between our smartphones, laptops, and tablets, we have more than enough distractions at our fingertips at any given moment. When you enter the workplace and add the interruptions of your co-workers, vendors, and managers, your ability to complete tasks is seriously diminished. A study at the University of California Irvine found that each time a…
Read More4 Ideas to Create a More Productive Workspace
Like it or not, these days your work space is in your home. It is imperative that you carve out a space that is just for work. Read below for 4 quick tips to create a more productive work space: 1. Invest in a quality desk chair According to a study by the British Psychological Society,…
Read More006. Making 5 choices that can change everything with Kory Kogon
In today’s world, it’s both easier and harder than ever to be extraordinarily productive. Kory Kogon joins Patrick in the Leadership Lab to discuss what drives productivity in today’s world and the 5 choices that we all need to make. We’ve created an application tool that you can use to help you to bring the…
Read MoreSet Up an Uninterruptible Period of Time Each Day
Between our smartphones, laptops, and tablets, we have more than enough distractions at our fingertips at any given moment. When you enter the workplace and add the interruptions of your co-workers, vendors, and managers, your ability to complete tasks is seriously diminished. A study at the University of California Irvine found that each time a worker was…
Read MoreHow to Drop a Few Nonproductive Tasks
Use this flowchart to think through your habits and consider dropping a few nonproductive practices. As you complete each of the seven steps on the chart, simply check them off as complete. Here’s a PDF version to download and use. [restrict] [/restrict] patrick.leddin@icloud.comPatrick Leddin, PhD is a speaker, global leadership consultant, and The Wall Street…
Read MoreUse this Proven ‘Secret’ to Tap into Your Team’s Productivity
Contemplate the energy, vitality, and optimism of people who are deeply engaged, particularly in this era when our technology leaves us breathless. We are at the edge of the greatest of times. California Gubernatorial Candidate Gavin Newsom has this insight: “The reality is, people will build cool things for the sake of building cool things. They…
Read More3 Problems Plaguing Your Productivity (#3 Might Be Killing You)
Today’s productivity problems go far deeper than just managing units of time. Our world has a few specific challenges that allow the time to just “go by,” and can leave us feeling unaccomplished and weary at the end of a day. Productivity Problem #1 We are making more decisions than we ever have before. Think…
Read MoreThe Answer to Engaging Your People May Lie in a 2,200-Year-Old Story
The great Archimedes (287–212 BCE), one of the world’s finest mathematicians, was a person before his time. Not only did he invent integral calculus and figure the approximate value of π (pi) he is also said to be the father of the machine age by discovering and putting to use the properties of levers and…
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