Tool: Position Yourself for Success

Every year the calendar provides a natural opportunity for us to revisit our efforts as we turn the page from one year to the next. Here is your unique chance to consider the positions that you fill, revisit priorities that you’ve set for yourself, assess how well you are performing, and identify a plan to get better.

Use this week’s tool and video to complete these four key steps:

  1. Identify the three, four, or five key positions that you fill at this moment. You might be a project manager or a team leader at work, a volunteer at a non-profit, a spouse or parent at home.
  2. Write down your top priority for each role. If you have yet to set a priority for your key roles, here’s your chance to do that.
  3. Assess how well you are currently performing against each priority by assigning a number from 0 (low) to 10 (high).
  4. Create a quick plan of how you can quickly improve on your priority as you enter into 2022.
Position Yourself for Success