Worksheet: Scale, Systematize, and Sustain Success

You may not be running a restaurant or a fashion house, but your successes are also subject to the same challenge. If the results are a function of one player or leader, it will be nearly impossible to scale, systematize, and sustain success.

This week’s tool presents one key question and shares six ingredients for you to consider. These are your team’s:

  1. Purpose: Is it understood and inspiring?
  2. Priorities: Are they clear and engaging?
  3. Plans: Are they realistic, detailed, and understood?
  4. Talent: Do you have the right skills, knowledge, and abilities?
  5. Systems: Do they help people to get the most important work done?
  6. Processes: Are they documented, followed, and built on the best tools?

I encourage you to fill out the tool, reflect on where you believe the success is coming from, and then look to develop success purposely, not in the chef but in six key ingredients.


Scale Systematize Sustain Success