Posts Tagged ‘communicate’
031. Crack the Leadership Code with Alain Hunkins
Distilling 25 years of leadership development experience into a book is tough, but Alain Hunkins has managed to do just that. Alain joins me in the lab to discuss the importance leaders who connect, communicate, and collaborate. The conversation is both thought provoking and practical. An excellent combination. Learn more at patrick.leddin@icloud.comPatrick Leddin, PhD…
Read MoreImagine Using this Surprisingly Powerful Word More Often
Imagine that your organization has been struggling with an issue for a long, long time. Occasionally, the problem goes away; but, it inevitably reappears. People are frustrated with this reoccurring and costly issue. You return to work after celebrating the new year AND the issue is still there, waiting for you! Can’t think of a…
Read MoreGreat Leaders Bring This to Every Conversation
Woody Allen is famously credited with the expression: 80% of success is showing up. There is some good news and bad news about showing up. Bad news first… It’s hard to fix tardiness, a poor wardrobe choice, or a lack of preparation at a moment’s notice: Oversleep or miss your bus – you can’t turn back…
Read MoreLeadership Can Be Tough
How have we come to think that someone can become a great leader without being controversial or upsetting at times? Leadership is a tough, often isolated role. The leader must make decisions, deliver messages, and convey information that can upset some. Not every leader is up to this task. As a result, some leaders water…
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