4 Keys to Winning When You’re an Underdog

We have all had underdog moments. These are times when we feel lesser than, find ourselves ill prepared, or simply see a long uphill battle in front of us.

Perhaps you are experiencing an underdog moment right now.

Maybe you are:

  • trying to land a job against very tough odds
  • opening a business in the face of a strong headwind
  • looking to turnaround your performance when everything seems insurmountable
  • and the list goes on and on…

Whatever your situation, I invite you to watch this video to learn 4 keys to winning when you are an underdog.

Applying the underdog lessons

I invite you to take a few minutes to consider if the four keys outlined in the video are present in your life.

To help you assess your situation, think about a time when you found yourself as the underdog.

(Seriously, take a moment to do it.)

Now, consider these questions about how you approached being the underdog.

Key #1: Taking on the right mindset

  • What was your mindset?
  • How did you see yourself in the situation? Victim? Feisty upstart? Etc.?
  • Did you sport a large chip on your shoulder?
  • Did you quit in your mind before you even got started?

Key #2: Setting a clear goal

  • Did you take the time to set a clear goal, even in the face of serious adversity?
  • Was your goal specific or vague?
  • Did you share the goal with others to gain feedback on it? If so, what did you do with their comments?

Key #3: Doing the the hard work

  • Were you willing to do the hard work needed to persevere through the tough times?
  • Did you work in smart ways, asking for help as needed? Or, did you take everything on your shoulders and make things harder than needed?
  • Were you constantly working to acquire new skills to accelerate performance?
  • Did you work, while others rest?

Key #4: Having someone in your corner

  • When times are tough, you need someone in your corner. Who was rooting for you to win?
  • Were you willing to share your goals and progress with your cheerleaders so they know what to root for? Or, was your ego not allowing you to bring them into the discussion?
  • Did you take time to celebrate small victories with someone who was your advocate?

Being an underdog can be a tough and exhausting situation, but doing it well, can be the source of your greatest successes.

I wish you all the best as you strive to win in the face of adversity.


(In case you are curious, the dog in the picture is my daughter’s maltese, Oliver. He is the littlest of the bunch, but sees himself as the feistiest of all.)


Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash