037. Turn what you love into what you do with Lou Mongello
Are you looking for some inspiration, encouragement, or just a few ideas to help you to start doing what you truly love to do?
You’ve come to the right podcast episode.
In the early 2000s, Lou Mongello was a successful attorney and IT professional in New Jersey. He left all of that behind and moved to central Florida to pursue his love for Walt Disney World. Today, his podcasts have been downloaded more than 30 million times and he has a successful Disney-centric business involving books, tours, and much more.
Lou has done what many only dream of doing; he turned what he loves into what he does EVERYDAY.
If you are looking for inspiration to follow your dreams and lead yourself in a new direction, this is your episode. Learn more about Lou’s work at WDWRadio.com or LouMongello.com

Patrick Leddin, PhD is a speaker, global leadership consultant, and The Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Five-Week Leadership Challenge. Patrick is an Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University with a thriving leadership blog and podcast, and 25-years of leadership experience. He offers an unparalleled mix of academic rigor and real-world experience.