5 C’s of Consistency Tool

Sometimes, especially as leaders, we get frustrated and ask ourselves: Why wasn’t I more consistent in having one-on-one conversations with my people this week? Why didn’t I put more energy into checking on certain things this quarter? Why did I allow other issues and demands to distract me? I have two things to share with…

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Fan the Flames Tool

Leadership isn’t merely organizing resources or delegating tasks. At its core, leadership is seeing the potential of every team member and communicating, encouraging, and supporting them to unleash that potential to achieve what they hadn’t thought possible. In short, great leaders fan the flames of success. If you want to see your people succeed in…

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EMPTY Your Mind Tool

Use this video and tool to empty your mind purposely. Write things down, put them in your calendar, and find a home for them outside of your head so you can allow your brain to do what it does best.  EVENTS: What meetings and appointments are on your schedule? MILESTONES: What results or outcomes must…

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Reward Team Members: 5 Ways to Recognize Your People

Think about the person on your team who you turn to in order to get things done. Here are five ways for you to make an investment in them, demonstrate your appreciation, and recognize their efforts. Although the first mentions financial compensation, there are plenty of other actions you can take. To help you remember…

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Worksheet: Invest in Relationships

Two things are inevitable for all of us: Crises will happen. Investing in relationships today will help us navigate through times of crisis. Based on these fundamental truths, ask yourself two questions: How are you consciously investing in relationships today to help you navigate through future crises? How are you consciously investing in relationships today…

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Worksheet: Scale, Systematize, and Sustain Success

You may not be running a restaurant or a fashion house, but your successes are also subject to the same challenge. If the results are a function of one player or leader, it will be nearly impossible to scale, systematize, and sustain success. This week’s tool presents one key question and shares six ingredients for…

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SEIZE The Lessons Tool

Are you too busy doing things that you never stop to take note of the lessons you’re learning along the way? I know that I can fall into this trap. I bet you can too. I encourage you to seize the lessons in work and life, and I hope to help your efforts. I enjoy…

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Ideation Preparation Checklist

Ideation sessions can be the best use of your time when done well. Sadly, when it’s done poorly, it will produce little value, but it will also feed cynicism and disengagement. It’s the classic high-risk, high reward scenario. In our last ideation session, we gained a new perspective on those we serve and generated many…

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Worksheet: Carry 3 Lessons Forward

We sometimes turn the page from chapter to the next in life. I encourage you to consider bringing a few lessons forward with you into the next chapter of your life. Here are three lessons from COVID I advised a group of executives to consider hanging on to: Clarification – limited resources and restrictions caused…

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